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The Annual Garden City High School Scholarship

About the Scholarship

The $1000.00 cash scholarship is given annually to a graduating senior in Garden City High School who intends to pursue a career in the health field.

If you qualify for the scholarship, you can fill out an application form.

This Year’s Winner

Congratulations to Hillary Garcia, a senior at Garden City High School who received a $1000.00 cash scholarship from Dr. Denise Emma.

The Dr. Denise Emma healthcare scholarship is given annually to a graduating senior who intends to pursue a career in the health field.

Congratulations Hillary!

Past Winners

2023 Winner: Amanda Pinou

2022 Winner: Megan Koslo

2021 g

2021 Winner: Angelina Suau

2020 Winner: Deirdre McVicar

2018 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2019 Winner: Kyle Merritts

2018 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2018 Winner: Hope Kelly

2017 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2017 Winner: Mairead Pfaff

2016 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2016 Winner: Julia Forbes

2015 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2015 Winner: Bridget Bingham

2014 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2014 Winner: Meghan Logan

2013 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2013 Winner: Brooke Harrison

2012 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2012 Winner: Justin Clarke

2011 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2011 Winner: Brian Emmert

2010 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2010 Winner: Nicole D’Angelo

2009 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2009 Winner: Laura Wysocki

2008 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2008 Winner: Andrew Ajemian

2007 Garden City High School Scholarship winner

2007 Winner: Gina Garraffo

2006 garden city scholarship winner

2006 Winner: John Lofrese

2005 scholarship winner

2005 Winner: Kelly Madigan