Herbst appliance
Why do I need a Herbst Appliance?
If you have a large overbite with a small lower jaw that is further back than it should be a Herbst appliance may be recommended to encourage the lower jaw to catch up in growth,
How does a Herbst Appliance work?
A Herbst Appliance moves the lower jaw forward gently with a free sliding mechanism. Even thought the Herbst Appliance prevents the lower jaw from moving backward, opening and closing movements still occur easily and patients do not have any problems learning to chew their food with their lower jaw in this new position. It is often necessary to expand the upper jaw while the lower jaw moves forward. These two movements can be done simultaneously by combining the Herbst Appliance with a Rapid Palatal Expander.
Does a Herbst Appliance Hurt?
We find it can take a full week to fully adjust to this appliance. The teeth and jaws may be tender for the first few days. Over the counter pain medication may be all that is needed for relief. Warm salt-water rinses are soothing and help to minimize irritations inside your cheeks. Orthodontic relief wax may be placed in areas that rub for comfort.
How do I clean my Herbst Appliance?
Brush and floss your teeth as usual with a soft bristled tooth brush. Be sure to brush all parts of your appliance. Using a water-pik can be helpful to “power-wash” food particles away.
What are the rules with a Herbst Appliance?
As with all kinds of braces, patients with Herbst Appliances need to be careful about what they eat. Sticky foods such as caramels, bubble gum and taffy will pull that appliance away from the teeth. So please stay away from these foods during your orthodontic treatment.